Monday, June 6, 2011

Web redesign

I've been tasked with managing a redesign of a website for a client. So during the past few weeks I've been reading, studying, watching online videos and completely scaring myself about whether I have the background and capabilities to do this project.

And you know what... I do. Yes, things have changed - the focus NOW is on inbound marketing, blogs - like this - twitter accounts, facebook, etc. But it's mostly about making sure that the content that is on the website is memorable. That it provides value. The key difference is now you need to keep it fresh... a new story, a new case study, even a failure by the brand. Just make sure people know that there is someone there. Keep it simple, keep it fresh, keep it updated.

... but I hadn't updated this blog in ages... so turning over a new leaf - an updated blog weekly... it all starts with marketing yourself!

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